Il-2 Cliffs of Dover - Tools & Maps
July 1940 - Kanalkampf
Weather: Light clouds, winds from the SE @ 3 m/s.
I hope you all enjoyed your leave in France but it’s time to get back to work. High command has finally given the green light to begin the air
war with England. Our mission is to destroy the RAF in preparation for an invasion, codenamed Unternehmen Seelöwe. We will begin by
targeting Britain’s lifeline, her merchant shipping, and harbors. This will force their fighters to come up where our Bf 109’s will have no
problem shooting them down in great numbers. Based on the victory claims from yesterdays fighting over Dover this whole affair should
take a week or two at most once our main offensive is launched.
Bf 109 / Bf 110 Orders
It is our good luck that a British convoy is sailing through our sector. The convoy was spotted in AM17 heading South-West towards
the Isle of Wight. Establish air superiority over this convoy and clear a path for our bombers.
Provide close escort for our bomber forces. Ju 87's from StG 2 will be launching raids on the convoy. Ground controllers will keep you
informed as to when to move to the rendezvous areas.
He 111 of I./KG55 will be launching a large raid on Portsmouth harbor. Bf 110's are preferred for long range escort while Bf 109's will
be near the limit of their range. Keep an eye on your fuel gauge.
Sea Rescue
One word of precaution, if you are hit the Channel is no place for an extended swim this time of year. Try to ditch near one of
the Rettungsbojen (sea rescue buoys) and the Seenotdienst (sea rescue service) will pick you up. The Rettungsbojens in our
sector are located in AE13, AJ14, & AN14. Minensuchboote & He 115 are patrolling these sectors for downed pilots.
Orders for Bombers and JaBos:
A merchant convoy has been spotted by our reconnaissance flights in AM 17 moving towards the Isle of Wight. Destroy these
ships and starve England into submission.
Portsmouth harbor (AG 19-6) is a vital naval port to the British. Destroy any shipping, warehouses, and machinery located in the harbor.
RAF Airfield Tangmere (AJ 20-2) is a crucial air base for the British in this sector. Bomb the runways to knock it out of action. (8000 kg)
The British have setup a series of radio antennas along their coastline which we believe are used for aircraft detection. One of these sites is
located at Radar Ventnor (AG 17-1) on the Isle of Wight. We want to test the effectiveness of our bombings on the towers to see if they
can easily be brought down. Destroy the towers and the C&C (command and control) buildings at the base of the towers.